

So, you want to know about me? I write music. Yup, yup I do.

Some days I think I’m great, some days I am plagued by the inevitable artist’s mindset that I’ll never write anything worth writing. But alas, I press on.

If you want to hear my thoughts about music and possibly life (same thing?) you’re in the right place!


Run of the mill introduction to me:

I’ve been playing piano for, well, a lot of years. I’ve rather lost track…probably about 12 or 13. God, that’s frightening, I should be much more accomplished! Jokes. I started composing because, who has time to read music? Honestly, I really struggle with sight reading, but that’s not all bad. I don’t think I’d be the composer I am today if it came easily. Sometimes our shortcomings inspire our best talents.

Thanks for visiting!
