So Came the Tuner

The tuner came for the first time today! I’m pretty sure you could play iSpy with all the shit that came out when he pulled off the front panel of the piano.

There was a leaf and a ribbon, and a plastic toy guitar and some other stuff I didn’t recognize. How does one get a leaf wedged between and underneath the keyboard of ones grand piano? I cannot know. I suppose the miniature guitar is even more baffling… A whole ton of dust, 94 years worth of dust, fell out of it as well.



It’s a little disillusioning to see the piano pulled apart. It’d odd to recognize that it’s just wood, and strings, and cast-iron, and ivory (sorry…it’s old). It’s an incredible feat of mechanics, I suppose that makes it even more beautiful.

It boggles my mind that humans figured out how to design these absolute giants, and coordinate all the working pieces, get them to produce sound, then specific sound, and then music. And then, the composing begins. I’m so glad I didn’t have to invent a piano to be able to play one. I suppose there are more complicated things humans have figured out since, but pianos were around long before your iPhone.


Some photos of Mason naked (scandalous, I know!).


She’s beautiful, no? The tuner assures me I’ve acquired a real gem, and I don’t disagree.


We’ll be back.

Love, Amber and Mason

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